A-Level Examinations

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Dear Economics Students,

Monday morning marks the beginning of the A-Level examination session. This will be a time marked with much excitement, anxiety, and anticipation as you conclude 2 years of study and instruction in the subject of Economics. I want to wish you all the best in your final examinations. The hard work, attention to detail, revision and practice will now come to fruition. May this serve as an important reminder that most of life’s great achievements are not determined in an instance, but rather, are the product of the small tedious incremental decisions that we make along the way.

If you have learned anything from your time in my economics course, I hope it is that life is what happens in the margins. It what makes economics special. Economists are concerned with the little decisions and the cumulative effect these small seemingly innocuous decisions can have on the final outcome. Whether it is a commitment to your nightly reading assignments rather than cutting corners with a study guide, engaging with the material by asking questions and participating in classroom discussions or quietly biding your time until the bell rings.  Like most things in life, there is no quick fix, no magic pill, no short cuts, no quick rich scheme, crash diet or life hack that will result in excellence. These false promises are the path to mediocrity peddled by unscrupulous individuals who profit off of human ignorance.

In the coming weeks, I wish you all the best of success in your examinations.  May your efforts prove successful and may your results be a source of pride that you can take with you later in life.

Best regards,

Mr Brackrog